Our AI Product Framework

This policy articulates the core views which guide our AI solution development, emphasizing human-centric decision-making, transparent sourcing, and clear communication of AI capabilities and limitations

Our AI Product Framework

As leaders in leveraging state of the art AI in our solutions to identify compliance and third-party risk, we understand the imperative of responsible AI application. This policy articulates the core views which guide our AI solution development, emphasizing human-centric decision-making, transparent sourcing, and clear communication of AI capabilities and limitations.

Guiding Principles

1. Problem Driven

At the core of our methodology lies a problem-driven approach where the nature of the problem dictates our choice of technology, rather than the reverse. We adhere to the principle of the rule of least power when determining which technology to implement to address a challenge. This means we aim to use the simplest and least complex technology that can effectively solve the problem at hand. In most cases, machine learning, and especially AI in the category of large language models, are not the best solution.

2. Human-Centric

We believe that machines should not be the ultimate arbiters in matters affecting human lives. While we harness AI to process information and augment human capabilities, we do not intend our solutions to be used as sole decision-makers. We integrate AI for content evaluation while ensuring human oversight in decisions impacting individuals.

3. Information Accountability

All information that our solutions provide will be sourced to real world data that can be verified and explained, even when AI is involved in the processing of the information. Ensuring verifiable and cited information, upholding accuracy and accountability in all AI-augmented content.

4. Transparency in Capability 

We place a high priority on transparency concerning both the capabilities and limitations of AI in all our interactions, building trust with our users and stakeholders. In every communication, we're dedicated to clearly explaining what our AI technology can currently achieve, including highlighting the limitations.

At Threat.Digital, we lead not only in AI innovation but in fostering a culture of responsibility. This framework underscores our commitment to ethical AI practices, emphasizing principles that guide our use of technology and drive our mission to create secure and trustworthy solutions in the dynamic realm of artificial intelligence.